LEED is an acronym that stands for leadership in energy and environmental design. The U.S. Green Building Council has developed a suite of LEED Green Building rating systems that allows builders, owners, and tenants to evaluate the impact of their design on energy and environmental issues. They can obtain points toward LEED Certification of a project resulting from choices they make while designing, constructing, and operating a new or existing building or major renovation.

It is important to note that no product is “LEED Certified”. Only buildings can be LEED certified. However, when Iris U.S. products are included in a project, they can contribute points towards attaining different levels of certification. Our materials can help reduce the environmental impacts of building operation by delivering exceptional durability and low maintenance requirements.

Iris U.S. tiles can contribute to LEED points in the following ways:

– recycled materials content (mr credit 4): the bureau veritas has certified the percentage of pre-consumer recycled material in our products.
– regional materials (mr credit 5): materials from our usa production facility qualify if used in projects within 500 miles of cumberland county, Tennessee.
– low-emitting materials (eq credit 4.3): Iris U.S. is compliant with this credit as certified by Greenguard.
– heat island effect (ss credits 7.1 and 7.2): if requested, Iris U.S. can provide testing regarding solar reflective index (sri).

For more information regarding the usgbc or leed points system, please visit www.usgbc.org.

Iris U.S. is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council, a non-profit organization that certifies residential and commercial buildings as healthy and safe for man and the environment.

Click here to download Greenguard and Greenguard Gold certifications for our products.